A downloadable game for Windows

After the accident, Jose found himself stuck in a dark, strange world. All he can remember is fragments of his memories before the accident. There, he sees a lot of strange things and creatures. In order to come back to reality, he needs to collect all memories fragments and escape the Dreamworld. 

There are 3 phases in the game, each one with different gameplay.

Basic idea of the game is to let player have fun with the game mechanics and understand how hard it is for people who got accidents and being in coma state. However, the priority of the game is still about having fun.

Unique Points:

  • High re-playable value coming from gameplay.
  • Player has to learn all the trap mechanics and figure out how to avoid them.
  • After finishing the game, the players have a chance to play Challenging mode, which is half-HP and has countdown time. Jose (main): A boy trapped in his own mind, as he is in coma in real life. After a car accident, Jose found himself in a strange world and all he must do is survive. His power is his own imagination and his fears will become his enemies.


Dreamworld_v0.3.zip 143 MB
Dreamworld_v0.3.1.zip 142 MB
Dreamworld_v1.0.zip 143 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip and play!

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